Tag Archives: curvy

Is marrying MOH the reason I am fat?

I read a few articles today that pointed out that being fat could most likely be due to your partner as their lifestyle would influence your own lifestyle.

How Being Married to Mr Big Made Me Fat

I was going through the photos on MOH phone and was so happy to see all the pictures of the kids playing, Miki, my mother in law and me… Wait is that me?


I saw a photo of myself from one of our weekends and I was like…yup legit fat. I can’t lie, I was a bit upset. I don’t feel like how I look. I feel great but I must admit I don’t look my best. So I went to whine and complained to MOH and he was like “Its ok, what to do? You don’t look like that in real life, I think you look good”.

Aww, you’re the best babe.

A few minutes later he turns to me and says “I feel like an ice cream, you want one?”. What was I to do but say yes to the bloody ice cream and at 8pm no less!


Till Then


Filed under Life, MsAudreyC