Tag Archives: samoyed

Autumn in 2016

I had a walk yesterday after work. I think this is the warmest autumn I have ever experienced since I came to Auckland 13 years ago. Red, yellow and brown leaves were adorning parts of the park creating a lovely setting. I couldn’t help walking through the fallen leaves which had created a thick autumn blanket on the damp ground.





Till Then


Filed under Auckland, MsAudreyC

Murphy is out of surgery

MOH received the call last night that Murphy was out of surgery and for now is doing well. There was a whole lot of junk in there, bits of cloth, plastic, rubber and who knows what else. It was infesting in there for some time and parts of his gut had become infected. I can only imagine how he must have suffered and how long he had been suffering. I suspect it was when his appetite was cut down in half (4-5 months ago)  and we had attributed it to his short gut. Next time, when our dogs appetite changes we won’t be assuming and send them straight to the vet to get a scan.

We had sent him to the vet several times and we always came away with a jab or two and a check of his temperature, weight and abdomen. The vet and I could never feel anything. So a scan is a must next time especially if their appetite doesn’t come back in a couple of weeks’ time.


Poor Murphy.


He is still at the vets and stayed overnight, on the drip to replace all the precious fluids he has lost. I am hesitant to type this out just in case it doesn’t become a reality but he is on the mend and we just have to fatten him again once he gets home. I don’t even want to think about how much his surgery and after care will cost us. Nope, we did not get pet insurance, if you are reading this now and have a pet GO.GET.PET.INSURANCE. You will definitely need it.

Kaia (our other dog) has to go on a diet, I am afraid she gained A LOT of weight while we were trying to get Murphy to gain weight. She is like a walking tub now…It’s one or the other for us. LOL

Thank you to all for your kind wishes, I think we are out of the danger zone and we just have to help him gain weight and store all our stuff more securely to avoid this from happening again.


Till Then.


Filed under MsAudreyC, Samoyed Love

Murphy is in surgery again

Murphy has not been eating for the last 3 days so we sent him to the vet yesterday and booked an appointment for a specialist abdominal scan for this morning. MOH received a call in the afternoon and the vet said that there seems to be a cloth of some sort that is ‘floating’ around in his gut which is making him uncomfortable and causing him to have nausea which is why he is not eating.

We don’t know how long he has had that in his gut as his eating habits have been sporadic ever since his gut operation 2-3 years ago. We had recently brought him to the vet as he kept losing weight, was picky with his food. So we took a blood test and everything came back normal.

The last time he swallowed something it got stuck in his gut and we had to do an emergency operation and we weren’t even sure if he would survive. It here is the post on that fiasco: Murphy Boy

He was 23 kg back then when it happened and healthy. Now he is 15kg, weak, frail and the vet is not sure if he will make it this time.

His operation is scheduled for 3pm today. I am just praying he’ll be ok.


Till Then





Filed under MsAudreyC, Samoyed Love

5 Places To Walk Your Dogs Unleashed In Auckland – W is for Walks

We have two Samoyeds who we call Murphy and Kaia;


An awesome portrait shot of them by the fabulous Richard Ng

When we can, we bring them for walks, and because I am not a good trainer (I suck) I don’t really like walking them on a leash so I am always on the look out for unleashed dog parks and areas. Below are my 5 fav spots to bring my dogs for a walk 🙂



Bethells Beach

Clare (10)Clare (9)

Bethells beach holds a special place for me and Bron as we used to walk our fist ever Samoyed there who left us too soon (melodramatic blog post about that here) It’s really wild and windy and our dogs love it there. Always makes me feel grateful to be alive with the salt and wind blowing into my face with the sea crashing onto the shore and jutting rocks frame the coastline with the sea gulls flying above us.

Click here: Bethells Beach  for directions along with more info about walking your dog there

Waiatarua Reserve



We love this place so much, that we would travel half an hour from our old place just to walk our dogs here. Now that we are 5 minutes walk away we try to walk the dogs every day and I just love it when we are walking home after a nice run, both dogs become more obedient and are not pulling on the leash. Makes me feel like I have the best dogs in the world!

Waiatarua Reserve is a large wetland area and  has a playground, skate park and place for the dogs to jump in and cool off, a mini off track walk that me and the samo’s love to use in summer to shy away from the heat and sun. It’s an ideal place to bring kids and walk the dogs at the same time. There is something for every little person and beast here.

Click here: Waiatarua Reserve  for more info.



Big King Reserve


I love coming here as I get to exercise (A LOT) while I walk the dogs, it an old volcanic cone and the view at the top is beautiful.

After I huff and puff my way up there, it always feels good to look up and around. The hill is quite steep but worth it and if you are feeling lazy they have an easier route to follow to reach the top. Plenty of dogs and I see a lot of the dog walkers like to bring their furry charges there.

For the location click here: Big King Reserve




Orakei Basin


There are a few areas here that is for unleashed dogs to roam and have a play in the water. We don’t go here often as I have to leash them for a bit before I can actually let them run around and expand their energy.

Click here: Orakei Basin for more info

Soldiers Bay



Photos are courtesy of Richard Ng

We have only been here once, but it was lovely and the dogs loved it. The walk to the bay was wonderful, it did not feel like we were in a housing area at all. It was like we were deep in the forest up in the mountains with the wood pigeons cooing at us as we traipsed up and down to get to the bay.


When a good walk is done, a good dog is done.


This photo and the one below are courtesy of Richard Ng





Till Then

***Just a quick recap, I joined a blog challenge called A to Z challenge where we write a post a day based on the alphabet.

My other posts for the challenge;

A is for Arianna

B is for Bronson

C is for Cynthia

D is for Doreen

E is for Empathy

F is for Fat

G is for Garden

H is for Hayao Miyazaki

I is for Idols

J is for Juice

K is for Kelly Tarlton’s

L is for Li Yang Ma

M is for Mikaela

N is for Naptime

O is for Overwhelmed

P is for Playground

Q is for Quiet Time

R is for Reusable Diaper

S is for Second Child

T is for Thirty

U is for University

V is for Vagina


Filed under A to Z Challenge, AtoZChallenge, MsAudreyC

Canine love

Brought the terrible twins and Snowpuff to the vet yesterday amidst a scare th at they had some terrifying disease th at would take them from us.

All three dogs have been sneezing their heads off so I thought I should just google to see if dogs could really have colds. Wh at I found was the mother of all colds. Continuous sneezing is one of the signs for distemper and in puppies it could lead de at h.


Went to the vet all frantic but we came out ok (and I mean the humans not the dogs). They stuck a meter up their butts to assess if they had fever (the canines ya, just in case your wondering) and all 3 was clear of it but the puppies did have a terrible sore thro at while Claire’s was inflamed but not as bad as the terrible twins. The vet told us it was a virus and they are ok but once they lose their appetite we have to get bring them back. Hmm, no worries in th at department both puppies e at a lot! Just to help you understand this we brought the puppies to get their jabs last Friday and they weigh 6.8 and 6.3kg respectively now the male is 7.1 + the female is 6.8= growing puppies yo! Thank goodness and God bless.

Some puppy goodness to share with you on a Friday.

The entry above was what  was suppose to share with you the moment I got home except that it is now 2.04am. Rainer came into the room just as MOH left to have dinner with the family unit. We chatted for over an hour and then she made me dinner (aww!) then we chatted some more. We fell asleep and when I woke up it was already 1.30am! There goes my Friday but having said that I feel pretty damn good now!

Till Then

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Filed under Life, MsAudreyC, Samoyed Love, Useless facts